St. James Trinity Lutheran Church
Fall Creek, Wisconsin
Worship with us In-Person or Online!
All are welcome at our Sunday worship service, which starts at 8:30 am. For those who are more comfortable watching from home, our worship services are also live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube. Please have bread and wine or juice available for Holy Communion. Links are below…
March 30th, 2025
Worship with us for our Sunday Service!

March 26th, 2025
Join us for our Midweek Lenten Service!

Directions to SJT
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 9am-2pm
St. James Trinity welcomes you to a community that worships Jesus as Savior and Lord. We are learning to love others, share our faith, and serve a world in need. Join us as we worship together, share faith, and serve the world! Everyone is welcome to join us for worship. We worship on Sundays at 8:30 am, but we do have other services events during year. Please visit our calendar to see those times. We would love to have you join us for church and to enjoy the community of Fall Creek, Wisconsin, where there is always something happening.
Our mission is to respond in faith to the call of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel, to gather around the word and Sacrament for nurture and mutual strengthening, and to reach out to all people with the Good News of Jesus.
St. James Trinity of Fall Creek is a member congregation of the ELCA as well as a congregation of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all...Christ through our ministry of worshiping, preaching, teaching, and caring. Ephesians 4:4-6